Teles Cat – $15,000
2024 AQHA bay stallion

cowhorse prospect

Cowy & Smart Meteles Cat 2024 prospect

Teles Cat – $15,000
2024 AQHA bay stallion

This yearling stallion is ate up with cow and will make a really nice cow horse. Very smart and with the right amount of spicy, perfect to excel in any cow-horse discipline. He has moved like a cow horse since day one big things are expected from him.

videos of Teles Cat:
video 1 | video 2 | video 3 | video 4 |

Sired by Meteles Cat 2 x AQHA World Champion & NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes Reserve Champion. In addition to his impressive show career, Meteles Cat has become a $2,000,000 sire, with his offspring continuing to excel in multiple disciplines. Out of Dualsadie (Dual Pep). $71,585: NCHA Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion). 2nd dam Smart Letha (Smart Little Lena). $77,431: split 5th NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes and producing earners of $868,256.

Nominated to NCHA Super Stakes.
All negative except HERDA=N/HRD and MYHM=N/MY

contact: Monica Reeves – 512-618-7003
Burton, TX

Teles Cat – $15,000
2024 AQHA bay stallion

      High Brow Cat
    Metallic Cat
  Metels Cat
Chers Shadow
Lenas Telesis
    Teles Lies
Teles Cat
2024 AQHA bay stallion
Miss Sana Lena
Peppy San Badger
    Dual Pep
  dam Miss Dual Doc
Smart Little Lena
    Smart Letha

contact: Monica Reeves – 512-618-7003
Burton, TX

Teles Cat – $15,000
2024 AQHA bay stallion

sire Meteles Cat (Metallic Cat). $437,016; NCHA Hall of Fame. In 2013: finalist NCHA Non-Pro Futurity; in 2014: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse; Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion; NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes Reserve Champion; in 2015: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse; Showdown in Cowtown Summer Slot Cutting 4/6-Year-Old Non-Pro Derby Champion; 3rd Showdown in Cowtown Winter Slot Cutting Non-Pro Class; in 2016: The Ike Open Classic Reserve Champion; NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge Reserve Champion; Bonanza Non-Pro Classic Champion; in AQHA competition: Open Perf. ROM, earning 12 cutting (Level 3) points in open events. Meteles Cat has become a $2,000,000 sire, including –
DONT LOOK FOR TROUBL (Dont Look Twice, by High Brow Cat). $164,029: 2022 NCHA Super Stakes Limited Open Derby Reserve Champion; 2022 Abilene Spect. & Cattlemens Derbies’ Champion.
FANCY METELES (Playin N Fancy, by Peptoboonsmal). $134,080: 7th NCHA Non-Pro Futurity; split 4th Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby.
LIL RICKY (Junie Wood, by Nitas Wood). $110,393: Brazos Bash Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion; 4th Brazos Bash Open Classic.
ALBURT (CR Tuff Lucy, by Woody Be Tuff). $101,869: split 4th, 2023 NCHA Super Stakes Non-Pro Derby (Gelding Reserve Champion).
TELLET LIKE IT IS (Madelena, by Smart Little Lena). $90,155: 5th NCHA Open Futurity.
TELES SHEZ SPICY (DMAC Spicy Spoon, by Hes A Peptospoonful). $74,298: PCCHA Open Futurity Champion

By METALLIC CAT (2005). $637,711: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Open Futurity Champion. A sire of 2,207 money-earners, $74,457,875, and earners of 11,158 AQHA points, including SUMMER TIME FUN ($523,327: NCHA Open Derby Co-Champion), CATILLAC REYS ($489,812: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion twice), HASHTAGS ($485,293: NCHA World Champion, NCHA Hall of Fame), CALL ME MITCH ($482,367 and 170 AQHA points: Run For A Million RCH Challenge Open Reserve Champion, Superior Working Cow Horse).

1st dam DUALSADIE (Dual Pep). $77,109: NCHA Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion; 7th NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro Classic; The Non-Pro 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Reserve Champion; finalist NCHA Super Stakes Non-Pro Classic; top 10 West Texas Open Derby. Full sister to LETHAL DUAL ($28,663 and 7 AQHA points: finalist Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity), LETHAL DUALLY ($26,748: 5th Brazos Bash Open Derby). Half-sister to THOMAS E HUGHES ($394,690: NCHA Open World Champion Stallion; NCHA Platinum Award, NCHA Gold Award), LETHAL WEAPON I ($132,850: split 4th NCHA Open Futurity), CR HIGH BROW LETHA ($96,982: 4th NCHA Open Super Stakes), CR SMART LETHA CAT ($54,742: finalist NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes), SMART INDIAN ($14,180 and 6 AQHA points: finalist NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro Classic), KO HAY MAKER ($6,708: top 10 NCHA Senior Non-Pro Futurity), CR THIS CATS LETHAL ($3,387: 3rd PCCHA Fall $50,000 Senior Amateur Derby).

A daughter of DUAL PEP, $313,192. A Leading Sire. Sire of 822 money-earners, $25,677,386, earners of 5,748 AQHA points, including Dual Rey Me ($818,177, out of Miss Smart Rey Jay x Smart Little Lena), Dually Lena ($395,616, out of Bingos Lena x Doc O’Lena), Olena Dually ($302,342, out of Miss Sabrina Lena x Doc O’Lena), Tapt Twice ($285,226, out of Tap O Lena x Doc O’Lena) and Playboy McCrae ($269,582, out of Playboys Madera x Freckles Playboy). The stallion’s exploits as a broodmare sire are led by two horses that rank among the highest-earning cutters of all time: $852,612-earner Sister CD (CD Olena x Little Baby Sister x Dual Pep) and $850,628-earner Dont Look Twice (High Brow Cat x Tapt Twice x Dual Pep).

2nd dam SMART LETHA (Smart Little Lena). $77,431: split 5th NCHA Non-Pro Super Stakes, top 10 Abilene Spectacular Open Derby, split 6th Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity, split 4th Polo Amateur Ranch Cutting Classic, The Non-Pro $20,000 Non-Pro Reserve Champion, Raleigh Open Derby Reserve Champion, Raleigh Open Classic Reserve Champion. Dam of 28 AQHA foals age 3 & over, 15 money-earners, $868,256

contact: Monica Reeves – 512-618-7003
Burton, TX